CEI EN 61340-5-1
ESD workwear

The CEI EN 61340-5-1 standard establishes the criteria for safeguarding electronic components and equipment vulnerable to damage from electrostatic discharge. This standard also defines the requirements for an Electrostatic Protected Area (EPA).

What ESD certified clothing is

The abbreviation ESD, which stands for Electrostatic Discharge or electrostatic discharge, refers to the sudden flow of electricity resulting from contact, electrical short circuits, or dielectric breakdown occurring between two electrically charged objects. This type of electrostatic discharge primarily affects ESDs—devices sensitive to electrostatic charges. To prevent such occurrences, precautions need to be taken, including wearing specific clothing regulated by the CEI EN 61340-5-1 standard.

Scope of application

Operaio a lavoro su componenti elettronici, vestito di felpa e pantaloni antinfortunistici certificati ESD

Anti-ESD clothing compliant with EN 61340-5-1 is designed for use in the following contexts:

    • Confined areas where the accumulation of charges could harm sensitive electronic components (EPA areas: ESD protected areas). These areas must be clearly marked and can encompass a single workstation or an entire warehouse, without the need for physical walls to delineate them.
  • During the production of electrical and electronic components;
  • In the pharmaceutical industry;
  • In the plastic processing industry;
  • In paint companies;
  • In biotechnology companies;
  • Microchips have become progressively smaller over the years and require minimal electrical current. Overvoltage can damage these microchips.

General requirements

Operaio con camice antinfortunistico certificato ESD blu, con guanti e pantaloni bianchi

To meet the criteria set forth by the CEI EN 61340-5-1:2016 standard, ESD protective clothing must be crafted from conductive fibres rather than synthetic materials or wool. Additionally, the cuffs at the extremities (sleeves, trouser legs, or collar) should be designed to enhance contact between the conductive material with electrostatic properties and the skin. Furthermore, any metal components must be shielded, and the garments should provide complete coverage of the inner layer when bending over.

When wearing ESD protective workwear, the garment must be fastened or buttoned to ensure adequate protection.

Further Insights into the CEI EN 61340 Standard

To ensure sufficient ESD protection, follow these four essential steps::

  • Identify which active devices are sensitive to ESD;
  • Handle ESD devices exclusively within the EPA area, using the prescribed protective measures;
  • Store and transport sensitive devices only in ESD protective containers;
  • Periodically inspect all aspects of the operating system in use.

Explore the features of our other certified safety clothing:

View our complete collection for ESD workwear