Protective Clothing Category II

Indumenti di protezione individuale di Categoria II



According to the “Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of 9 March 2016 on personal protective equipment,” Category II clothing includes all devices that help protect against medium risks, which do not fall into Categories I and III. Some examples are acid-resistant clothing, anti-entanglement clothing, high visibility clothing.

This personal protective equipment must possess specific characteristics, such as:

  • A CE declaration of conformity from the manufacturer, which should be attached to the technical documentation of the device.
  • PPE and its respective packaging, marked with the CE marking.
  • A CE certification certificate granted by a regulatory agency.

What garments are Category II?

High-visibility Clothing

Abbigliamento ad alta visibilità - Indumenti di protezione Categoria II

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Welding Clothing

Abbigliamento per saldatori e procedure annesse - Indumenti di Protezione Categoria II

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Anti-entanglement Clothing

Abbigliamento Antimpigliamento - Indumenti di protezione Categoria II

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Acid-resistant Clothing

Abbigliamento da lavoro Antiacido - Indumenti di protezione Categoria II

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Antistatic Workwear

Abbigliamento Antistatico- Indumenti di protezione Categoria II

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Trivalent or Multi-Standard Clothing

Abbigliamento da lavoro Trivalente o Multinorma - Indumenti di protezione Categoria II

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Characteristics of the three PPE categories